Health Care Professionals are Trusted

Health care professionals can play a unique roll in reducing food insecurity among their patients. Doctors, nurses, and dieticians can be knowledgeable, respected, and trusted sources of information and support in their patients' lives. This relationship allows health care professionals to sensitively screen, diagnose, and discuss food insecurity with patients and offer information on food resources in their community that empower patients to make healthier food choices, increasing health and well-being for the entire family.

Start Screening in your Clinic:

You and your clinical staff can help your patients access food resources by following two easy steps:

  1. Screen patients for food insecurity. HungerCare's Screening Tool Algorithm offers step-by-step instructions on how to screen patients and refer them to food resources in their area.

  2. Refer patients to food resources. HungerCare's Resource Referral Sheet is a handout for patients listing the top resources in their area for food and other basic needs (tailored for children, seniors, and patients of all ages). You are welcome to edit the contact information and logos of our Resource Referral Sheet to meet your clinic's needs.

If you want more information on food resources in your service area or would like guidance in implementing the food insecurity screen in your clinic, please contact Anne Gargano Ahmed. The screen can be implemented in various ways to best fit the workflow of your clinic or hospital. HungerCare is available to work with you one-on-one to determine how this can work for you and educate your staff on how to address the issue of food insecurity with your patients in a sensitive way.

Who’s screening so far in Second Harvest’s service area?

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